Monday, August 9, 2010

Armenian Night Skies

This week we witnessed the peak of the Annual Perseid Meteor Shower. I decided to drive up Mt Aragats to where there is little to no light pollution in an attempt to photograph this event. Although I saw some very cool "shooting stars" and between the hours of 0300 and 0530 I witnessed over 100 of them, it seem that no matter how I moved my camera or pointed my lens I would always choose the newly inactive part of the sky. The two pictures below are the only two meteors I managed photograph.

(click on the photos to view larger files, this will also make it easyer to see the Meteors)

Just after we arrived we had a huge Thunderstorm that dumped loads of rain. I decided to open the door to our balcony and from inside our study try to capture the lightening.

This is a picture I took while we were climbing/camping in Hells Canyon a few weekends ago.

Armenian Climbing

This is my first couple of attempts of taking photography to the vertical world. The featured climber's name is Mkhitar he is a local Armenian climber (possibly the only one from the non-Soviet Union era/generation) that I have been climbing with over the last month or so.